The Lucep Blog

At the intersection of sales, CX and digital innovation.

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Blog header image for Story of an Omnichannel banking solution provider’s business transformation

Story of an Omnichannel banking solution provider’s business transformation

There's a huge amount of interest in the disruption caused by the need for branch transformation in the banking industry. Branches are closing down by the thousands, and banks are rushing to save them

Blog header image for 7 CEO Blog Themes from Letters to Lethal Generosity

7 CEO Blog Themes from Letters to Lethal Generosity

CEO blog themes that will help you and your staff execute their duties - 1. Letters to employees 2. Ideas, vision, mission 3. Be the customer rep ...

Blog header image for Top 50 Martech Blogs and Influencers

Top 50 Martech Blogs and Influencers

Since Lucep is a marketing automation platform that spans the divide between lead generation and response, we also develop engagements with marketing technology experts.

Blog header image for Blockchain Distributed Ledgers Impact – Banking Industry Winners and Losers

Blockchain Distributed Ledgers Impact – Banking Industry Winners and Losers

Blockchain Distributed Ledgers Impact – Banking Industry Winners and Losers. Blockchain is by far the most impactful next big technology at this time, and it's causing disruptive innovation in almost every vertical. But nowhere is the impact being felt with so much urgency than the banking industry.

Blog header image for Customer-Centric Branch Transformation Interview With Hui Hui Li, Evergrowing Bank

Customer-Centric Branch Transformation Interview With Hui Hui Li, Evergrowing Bank

Mr. Hui Hui Li is President of Global Business Management, Deputy GM of Strategic Development, Board of Directors, Evergrowing Bank. Prior to this, he was CEO, Consumer/Private/SME Bank. As CEO, he developed a 5-year transformation plan for the Bank, defined a pilot branch, and rolled out their digital channel initiatives.

Blog header image for Multichannel vs Omnichannel Marketing – Actionable Tips For Branch Transformation

Multichannel vs Omnichannel Marketing – Actionable Tips For Branch Transformation

In this article, we are going to share actionable tips on taking multichannel marketing one step further to make it omnichannel, in order to provide a 360-degree brand experience for your customers.

Blog header image for Omnichannel Way to Integrate Blockchain Banks and Branches

Omnichannel Way to Integrate Blockchain Banks and Branches

Lucep is one of the sponsors of the Branch Transformation Conference being organized by the International Quality and Productivity Center (IQPC) in Singapore this month

Blog header image for What is omnichannel marketing?

What is omnichannel marketing?

It’s conventional marketing wisdom to be where your customers are. From the shops and right to the email inboxes and the most visited website in your industry, a huge social presence and now mobile, marketers have followed their customers on every channel possible.

Blog header image for Branch Transformation Trends – White Paper on Future of Branch Banking

Branch Transformation Trends – White Paper on Future of Branch Banking

At this year’s IQPC – Branch Transformation Conference in Singapore, the agenda is mainly focused around one thing – Human centered design across all channels, and the technologies that enable today’s bank branches to move towards this design through customer identification and segmentation.

Blog header image for Banking jobs made easy with Omnichannel software

Banking jobs made easy with Omnichannel software

The old fashioned way of banking is to know your customers, greet them when they arrive at the bank, and you know beforehand what they are there for.

Blog header image for Sales Software for Financial Advisors

Sales Software for Financial Advisors

The sales software listed here will help financial advisors talk to website visitors, generate more leads, and establish a sales process.

Blog header image for How Digital Signage Impacts the Psychology of Waiting Lines

How Digital Signage Impacts the Psychology of Waiting Lines

The only thing that is more physically and mentally debilitating than an extended session with your banker, physician or a government agency is an exhaustive wait before your name or number gets called.