Many of you might have come across the word conversion rate optimization, which is a method that helps you increase your conversion rate, viz, converting your online visitors into customers. So what actually do we mean by it?
Conversion Rate: It is the percentage of visitors which convert to complete a goal. You need to make absolutely sure what your goal is. Your goal as an owner could be to get more sales or as a social media marketer to get more followers to your business page or more likes to a post which you might have created about an upcoming event. It could be anything and you as the owner needs to decide what that goal is.
On an average, companies are spending as much at $2,000 a month on CRO tools.- Forbes. Why do you think this is happening? Online conversions help you in:
a) Sales. By sending visitors to your website/blog/landing page you might have already exhibited leadership qualities which would have attracted some to follow you and turn into a customer.
b) Lead generation.
c) Happy customers, which leads to a higher Customer Lifetime-value (CLV).
d) All these lead to a happy you.
Things that seem simple are always deceptively complex. It is literally quite a task to actually get somebody across the ‘conversion funnel’. From the Awareness stage of the funnel to Consideration and finally Decision, the funnel itself and also the people going through it, are way more complicated than they appear.
People on social media go to forums, blogs, groups to gain information around a particular topic. They easily make friends and build trust with others because of the common interests they share. Once that rapport is established you have to take few steps to sustain the relationship and steer them to the funnel and move them through it. There are no shortcuts in this game. They need to understand you, like you, trust you and only when they do all of this, they would buy from you.
Before jumping into all of this,give a thought on who your customers are? Do you really know who your them and what are they in search of? What you might be selling may not be what they are looking for. Even if they are, do you know where are they looking for it? Are you in the same place as your customers? Will all this connecting and gaining trust process actually work?
You need to Know Your Clients better and these ten easy hacks to give your online conversion rate a boost:
1. Plan – Planning is your bare necessity. You need to have an integrated digital and social plan that is helping you build brand awareness, humanize your brand, bring people closer to you, make you a thought leader, no matter how hard they might seem to be now or to be able to carry out.
2. Value Proposition & USP– What is the value that you are offering to the person whom you want to move through the conversion funnel? What is your offering and what is in it for them? What is it that would make them come to you instead of your competition. Find these out and portray it exactly the same way you see it, without any miscommunication.
3. Landing Page – It is a page that helps the customers better understand your company. You should not send all your traffic to your website where people might go and not know as to what to do there. Imagine you seeing an ad of a discounted watch which you always wanted to buy and when you click on the ad it takes you to the home page of the website. You might not know what to do next. You might not even know how to locate your watch and get it booked and eventually just close the browser.
4. Use Tools – Tools are designed to make your job easier, while your productivity shoots up. Installing lead generation, analytics, feedback, research and other such tools lends you a hand in driving more traffic to your website and converting leads and sales from this traffic.
5. Establish trust – Be professional in what you do and portray that on your website as well. Give people what they are expecting. If they have signed up for a free ebook on how to make my day better and you give them an e-book with just one. It would definitely not make your day any better.Also, make sure that you are able to prove that you investing in these things are for the right reasons and not only doing it so that you can publicize yourself all day.
6. Have a secured site – Make absolutely sure that the person who enters your website feels fully secured while making any financial transactions. Or even while sharing an email ID with you could be considered as an attack if proper safety measure is not implemented on the website.
7. Visual design and Quality– Be it a website, blog or landing page , it needs to be visually appealing to the user and not just to you. You may have a dark theme which you like but the user of your site might not like such a dark theme and eventually not like to come there too often. Navigation must be easy – Even very small things like Button placement, colors, shape, text on a button can change the opinion of a customer any time. So make a few changes according to the thinking of your audience and see what suits your website the best
8. Headlines and content – These are not just the headlines of your website’s page content, it could also be your article headline or email subject line, blog posts, etc. Also, keep in mind that you need to come up with timely blogs which will keep you way above in google search results and also if the content is that good more readability and sharability of that post and indirectly your website.
9. Compatibility– Mobile readiness and page loading time are two important aspects of website compatibility. In this age where people use mobile devices for most of their transactions, make sure your website is compatible to handheld devices. From pics to text, the website needs to be optimized to minimize loading time. If it takes too long to load you might lose a prospect. Google Analytics will help you analyze your website traffic and bounce rate. Think of it like this, if you are getting a lot of likes to a post which you just now shared on social media. It is most probably coming from mobile devices. Don’t forget to optimize those images which take too much time to load. It can lower your site speed which will increase your bounce rate.
10. Care for your customer– Remind your customers how much you value them. They don’t like surprises, so if you are devising up some hidden costs in your pricing when they are about to check out, it won’t work. Answer their queries through blogs or including those questions in FAQs. Make sure you have made them easily shareable and could be personalised. Don’t lie about the benefits of your products. Simple things like these will have a huge impact when you think of increasing your online conversion rate.