B2B marketing is far more targeted and personalized as compared to casting a wide net to attract consumers and end users. You may be getting leads from advertising, cold calls to businesses in your niche, and through field sales agents in your city who go around visiting prospects in person. But this niche B2B marketing also has the unfortunate side effect of letting opportunities go that you would otherwise have targeted.
Listed below are some of these opportunities that you should be looking at, to help you generate more leads and increase the conversion rate.
1. Dynamic call scripts : When you make all your sales calls the same way from a standard script, and you get pretty much the same results. But if your BDRs don’t have a script, there’s a bigger risk of not being able to convey the core marketing message. Make use of dynamic sales scripting tools to respond to what leads said and allow you to qualify missed opportunities that you thought weren’t good enough leads.
2. Cold calling : They say cold calling is dead. But cold calling is still one of the few ways to generate a predictable pipeline of qualified leads and scale it for growth. What all the experts we spoke to say is that cold calling isn’t dead, but it now needs some spadework. The data you collect on prospects in your leads database has to be segmented. The call scripts, as mentioned above, must be dynamic enough to respond to each prospect based on the data you have on them.
3. Email marketing : Another online marketing channel that is not often utilized to the fullest extent possible. You send out individual personalized emails, and you use platforms like Mailchimp to send out mass mailers to all your subscribers. But the best results are only obtained by finding the right balance between the two. Segment your database, and send personalized drip emails to each segment.
4. Block time for social networking : It’s hard to stop yourself from spending time checking out what’s going on in each of your social accounts, responding to mentions, and just chit-chatting with people you know. The ideal way to do it is to use a social media management tool like Hootsuite or Buffer to manage and schedule postings. You should also block time daily for sales prospecting on social networks because that’s now the fastest and easiest way to generate leads that you could easily miss in a blink as it goes through your social feeds. Small business owners, CEOs and managers post their questions on LinkedIn and Twitter. Set up search keywords, mentions and other ways to track and respond instantly to all this.
5. CRM knows B2B marketing better than you : If it’s a missed opportunity in B2B marketing, you probably don’t even know that you missed it until it’s too late. The only way to make sure this doesn’t happen is to let your CRM handle it. Automate the entire process, integrate the CRM with your website, social media and other tools in your sales stack. Make sure the CRM notifies you about every opportunity for B2B marketing, and respond instantly before your the competition does.