Many automotive dealers run click to call campaigns now instead of the usual PPC ads, mainly because it’s a highly competitive segment where you must talk to car buyers first – before any other dealer, and get the buyer to come down to see you in person before they visit any other showroom.
An estimated spend of $4 billion on Google call extensions hammers home this point. Another Google statistic is a revealing fact about people looking for car or car products – 62% of consumers searching for auto parts and services would be very likely to use click to call, and 57% would use click to call to compare pricing.
How can I promote my car sales?
Follow the steps below if you want to talk to more car buyers on your website and learn how to promote car sales.
It’s easy to start:
1. Connect with and develop relationships with your customers before your competitors start talking to them. You can generate more leads than before.
2. Stay in touch with them through every stage of the sales funnel and their buying journey, and you’ll end up with up to 72% more car sales from your website – for the exact same traffic that you had before.
3. Respond instantly to digital leads, and be ready to answer buyer questions and bring them over to your dealership.
Why instant response to car buyer leads
It’s not only about nurturing the leads. It’s about nurturing them fast. If a buyer looking for the latest car models talks to your rival dealer first and then you, who do you think he’s going to buy the vehicle from?
If he’s not buying from you, then don’t be surprised. Do you know why? Because studies have shown that by being first to contact your customers, you can influence their buying decisions.
Your rival was not only able to give the buyer a brief on the vehicle models and value add-ons, they were also able to shape the conversation in such a way that it became a reference point to compare all the other car purchase quotes after that.
With Lucep’s ability to respond instantly to any query that comes in, you can have that very same advantage. Beat your rivals to get a competitive edge with every car buyer that requests a quote from all the dealers in the region.
Whenever a buyer requests a callback, your sales team will get instantly notified with the person’s contact details and other relevant information that gives you a greater chance of closing the deal quickly.
Improve sales team performance
Your sales team sets the records and benchmarks for your organizations. New and used car sales have longer sales cycles because buyers are not willing to spend that much without finding out everything they can about the vehicle they want to buy, and the prices and other terms that you are offering.
One point is that they will get instantly notified of the customer looking for help on your website, leading to a faster resolution rate of queries for your customers, which means faster conversions. Another great functionality of the AI-powered Lucep app is that it sends the calls straight from the website to your most appropriate sales person who is capable and available of handling the call.
The analytics and sales team performance reports you get are also highly useful. Track where your customers are, the average callback times, and the number of requests allocated to your team. Stay up-to-date on employee closure rates and customer service time on a daily basis. Lucep tracks all these important details and more, in a simple and powerful report format.