Lightning fast lead notifications from FormStack
Formstack is a great hosted form building solution. They make it easy to create everything from simple lead forms, to complex forms with branching logic. This is incredibly useful when capturing data from prospects or customers – but what happens when you need someone to respond to this information instantly?
Lucep’s integrations can help you out here. Read on for info on how to set this up!
Time required: 15 mins
Difficulty: Easy
1. Add a webhook receiver in Lucep
This sounds more complicated than it is! Simply log in to your Lucep Control Panel, and select the “Webhooks” tab.
Then click the “+” to add a new webhook, select Formstack and also select the service that all these leads should be broadcast down.
After you click “Create” you will get a webhook receiver URL – copy and paste this somewhere, you’ll need it next!
2. Tell Formstack to send new leads to Lucep’s webhook
Log into your Formstack account, and find the form you want to receive in Lucep.
Navigate to Settings > Emails and Actions > Advanced Settings (click the plus)
Then click “Add a Webhook” – give your webhook a nice name, for example, “Super awesome Lucep powers”, and then paste the URL you copied from step 1.
Select JSON as the content type and then click “Create Webhook”
3. Create the fields needed for a lead
Lucep needs at minimum the name and number of the prospect in order to generate a lead, but it supports some additional fields too.
Formstack has field types, and each form field is best suited to a specific type. It is recommended to use these field types as they provide additional validation and guidance when the user is filling up the form
4. Set the type details for the phone number
Formstack provides a few options for the phone number settings, the most important part is that you should select “International” as the format.
It is also recommended that you set the country to the country you expect most of your form fills to come from. Don’t worry – this won’t restrict the form to only accept numbers from that country – but just makes it easier for Formstack to format your numbers.
5. Create the special Lucep fields
In order to harness the full power of Lucep, there are a few extra fields that should be added to your form with the hidden option enabled. These will allow you to get additional analytics insights on your prospects. These fields are hidden which means that none of your visitors will be able to see them. In Formstack, hidden fields have a patterned gray background so that you can tell the difference.
The field types for all of them are Short Answer – and the names of the fields should be:
For the service_name field, it is recommended that the default value is set to the name of the product or service that the prospect is filling up the form for.
6. Add the Lucep + Formstack extension!
Your form is almost ready! If you have not added Lucep to your page yet (as described in your welcome email), then please fish our your welcome email and add the code directly to your page footers, or using one of our plugins (like the Lucep for WordPress plugin).
If you are using Formstack’s iFrame embed, or the advanced Formstack full HTML page version, then you will need to include the code snippet sent to you in your welcome email in this step too.
Now you need to add the advanced field Embed Code to the end of your form. Once You have added it, you need to click on it, and replace the words Embed code with the following line:
type='javascript' src='https://8d69a4badb4c0e3cd487-efd95a2de0a33cb5b6fcd4ec94d1740c.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/js/L.SalesGorilla.xtn.Formstack.min.js'
Now your leads will be responded to in Lucep speed!