One of the good things about website marketing is that it’s constantly evolving at a furious pace to keep up with new technologies and innovations. Sitewide banner impressions gave way to contextual pay per click ads based on page content, but now even that doesn’t work so well because people have learned to ignore all the ads on a page.
The next big thing in digital advertising is cheap click to call, necessitated by the growing share of website traffic from social media and mobile search.
Social Mobile Traffic Needs Cheap Click to Call
Last year, 68.3% of Internet users were also social media users, and their number worldwide is expected to grow to 2.67 billion, according to Statista. What makes click to call so important is not just social, but social mobile. That’s because social media users in the U.S. typically spend a full 216 minutes per week accessing social media using smartphones. By comparison, PC access is only 53 min/week, and Tablet usage to access social networks comes a close third at 50 min/week.
What these stats mean is that pay per click (PPC) ads are on their way into the Internet dustbin much faster than expected. It’s hard enough for mobile users to see your page text and multimedia. The odds of expecting them to find your ad within the page and then click on it are far lower than on a laptop or PC.
The good news is that cheap click to call is especially suitable for mobile and provides a huge marketing ROI too. Take a look at some of these case studies as evidence.
Lucep-Evoma Cheap Click to Call Case Study
Evoma, a hybrid business center and hotel company in Bangalore, needed to improve their lead response mechanism to make sure that website leads weren’t lost in the pipeline or not responded to at all. They implemented Lucep, a click to call tool that enables instant response to website leads.
Lucep Click to Call – Website to Phone – Prospect to Customer – in Less than 5 minutes!
Try Lucep now – Click here!
As a result, Evoma saw a 15-20% increase in leads, and all the leads were being responded to instantly by members of the Evoma sales team when they got a notification on their smartphone. The best part was that since Lucep was able to transfer lead data directly into Evoma’s database, they had all the leads in their system and were able to follow-up after the initial response.
Esurance Adwords Cheap Click to Call Case Study
Esurance wanted to generate more web to phone leads at a lower customer acquisition cost (CAC), so they decided to try the Google Adwords pay per call model instead of traditional PPC. Esurance came up with short and concise ads that clearly directed ad viewers to call the company. They gave toll free 1-800 numbers, and the ad copy simply asked people to call the number to get a free insurance quote
The results are an eye-opener, to say the least. Esurance got 30-35% higher response rates on their ads, and that too at a 5-10% lower cost per click. The quotes and insurance policies generated from these pay per call campaigns ended up reducing the company’s CAC by 30% compared to other channels.
Forrester Research and ATG Cheap Click to Call Case Study
Oracle ATG Web Commerce is a development platform for to build ecommerce apps and websites that are able to deliver a personalized online buying experience for each customer. Standard conversion rates for websites tend to be around the 2-3% range. ATG therefore teamed up with Forrester Research to study the potential for conversion rate optimization by adding click to call and online chat functionality on their platform.
The idea was that since conversion rates for inbound phone queries range around 50%, it would be very beneficial to move leads online from web to phone. The results showed this would indeed be very helpful, with a 19-23% increase in avg. order value for customers who bought after calling, as compared to those who directly purchased online without calling.
Furthermore, the study also showed that only 12% of these callers would still have completed the purchase even if they had not called. The remaining 88% were new conversions from the cheap click to call campaign that would not have happened without it.