Website conversion rates typically vary from 2-10%, depending on the industry you are a part of and the ability of your website to engage and convert visitors into leads and sales. Thing is that not all visitors are ready to buy right off the bat. You still need to be able to stay in touch with them through channels such as social media and mailing lists. Even there, the end goal is for them to contact you. So when your overall lead generation rate is around 3%, that means that 97% of your visitors are not contacting you. It stands to reason that if you know why, you can fix it and double or triple your conversion rate.
A good place to start is this list of the top 5 reasons why your visitors are not contacting you. Fix these issues and the phone will soon be ringing off the hook.
1. Can’t find a contact us form / phone number: One big reason you lose droves of leads is because it takes a lot of motivation to click through to your contact page, look up your contact details, and then call you or fill in a form.
(Lucep, an instant response callback tool, makes it easy for your website visitors to get an instant callback from a member of your sales team. signup. Talk to your customers now.)
2. Dont want to wait on hold: Ok, so a highly motivated buyer gets your number and tries to call you, only to be put on hold because you’re talking to someone else. The solution is a call routing system. Doesn’t mean you have to invest in a switchboard, call center or cloud telephony system. There are free and/or affordable website-to-phone lead response tools such as Lucep.
Our Artificial Intelligence engine connects website visitors to the smartphone of a sales team member who is the right person for this particular query, and is also available.
3. Don’t know who to speak to: Again, highly motivated buyers may find your contact number and think about calling you. You can provide them a long list of contacts and departments they can call and ask to speak to, or… Get Lucep now.
The widget allows website visitors to select the department they want to speak to, and the AI engine then intelligently relays the lead to the right person in the selected department who is available. It beats being bounced around between departments who put the caller on hold while figuring out who needs to speak to the lead.
4. You didn’t ask me to call you: There may be a few die-hard leads who will happily jump through all the hoops you put in front of them. But have you actually asked them to call you? Can you even do that on every page of your website?
You don’t have to worry about this if you have Lucep. The widget visually explains all that needs to be said without breaking the flow of content on the page.
5. I called, but no one picked up the phone: You can’t be chained to your desk, and you don’t want to put your personal mobile number on the website. That’s perfectly understandable, but it means you miss a lot of leads who call during off-work hours. If you have customers in different time zones, you will lose a large number of leads.
The easy answer, once again, is to allow website visitors to call you at any time of the day or night without giving them your mobile number. Get Lucep now and be available to talk to your customers instantly, 24/7.
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Get Better Results From Your Phone Calls