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How we do it

Lead is Raised

Customers lands on your website, finds something interesting, and wants to talk to someone.

Lead is Pushed

Your sales team get the lead notification on the Lucep app on their phones instantly

Customer is Called

With powerful analytics of the lead, your sales person who grabs the lead has all the tools to close the sale.

Instant lead Notifications

Get a real-time app notification as soon as a site visitor fills out the Lucep callback widget. Then, discover how quicker, timely responses increase your conversion rates.

Smarter lead allocation

With Lucep’s mobile app, you can assign specific lead categories to the best-suited member of your sales team. Never let another lead fall through the cracks.

Powerful lead analytics

Tap into each lead’s buying preferences and website activity through Lucep’s easy-to-understand analytics reports. Then, use that data to enhance your sales prowess.

Real-time lead tracking

Use our mobile app to keep tabs on analytics and sales funnel progression for each lead. With Lucep, you’ll never have to struggle through mundane data entry again.

I’m ready to boost my conversion rates now.

"As a result of putting the Lucep widget on our homepage, it massively accelerated the number of individuals who were putting leads forward to us. It’s a fantastic product."

Dom Clonen
Director and Co-Founder, CIO Matrix

As featured in